Polls are open 7am-8pm at Pinkerton's Hackler Gymnasium
Town Election Info
Erin Spencer - District 1 Councilor
Jack Webb - Councilor at Large
David "Dave" Nelson - Town Moderator
Armand "Pete" Marcotte - Trustee DPL
Lorraine Lindenberg - Trustee DPL
Angel Fontaine - Trustee Taylor Library
Cynthia "Cindy" Messina - Supervisor of the Checklist (2 years)
Leslie Dombroski - Supervisor of the Checklist (6 years)
Jeffrey Strakalaitis - Trustee of the Trust Funds
School Election Info
Katie Delay - School Board
Wilbert Danger - School Board
Roger Konstant - School Board Moderator
The True Cost of a New School
"Save Our Schools" was the most supported item on the ballot
Bonds need 60% in favor to pass, the others are simple majority
Repair bond ($36 mln) - Fails with 52% of votes
New school bond ($71 mln) - Fails with 21% of votes
School budget ($103 mln) - Fails with 41% of votes
Contract ($200k) - Passes with 59% of votes
"Shall the Derry Cooperative School District maintain the current K-5, 6-8 model and keep the seven existing schools open?" - Passes with 62% of vote
Jack Webb, Town Council
Retired Battalion Chief, Derry Fire Dept.
I support Jack Webb.
David B. Nelson, Town Moderator
I support David Nelson, a very fair and balanced Republican who has the personality and attention to detail required to conduct elections.
A vote for David Nelson is critical, as the opposition is highly partisan. James Marshall's contempt for the State Representatives elected by the people of Derry is clear, and I personally cannot trust him to run a fair election.
Katie has led the effort to save our neighborhood schools. I support Katie Delay.
Wilbert Danger is pursuing a doctoral degree in education and has written several books. In his charitable involvement in Haiti, he focused new school construction after the 2010 earthquake on meeting the needs of students, not designing a fancy building focused more on looks than learning. I support Wilbert Danger.
Erica Layon, Moderator Write In
The School Board Moderator conducts the School Deliberative Session each year.
This is an important job, however no one filed to run for this office.
I ask that you please write me in.